Geography Students Present at NSF Frontier Research in Earth Science at Lake Superior and Vienna, Austria

June 11, 2024 |

Phil Larson, Director of Earth Science Programs at Minnesota State Mankato, was awarded a significant National Science Foundation Frontier Research in Earth Science (NSF FRES) grant two years ago, along with colleagues from the University of Minnesota, University of Minnesota Duluth, Harvard University, University of Wisconsin, and UW-Superior. Larson is the co-PI on the project and the total grant amounts to approximately $2.8 million. This grant has now funded six different graduate students and four undergraduates. More details on his portion of the grant can be found at Collaborative Research: The Lake Superior basin

National Science Foundation Frontier Research in Earth Science - Lake Superior meeting.

a person standing at a podium with a large screen on the wall

Hunter Delikowski, Abigail Fischer, Madeline Laaksonen, and Jayda Rowen are all MS Geography students and members of MNiMORPH, a collaborative research group between UMN and MNSU. They conduct their research within the EARTH Systems Lab at MNSU.

 All four Geography Graduate Students graduate students showcased their research earlier this May at the NSF FRES - Lake Superior meeting. The event featured presentations from students and faculty representing prestigious institutions such as Harvard University, University of Wisconsin, University of Minnesota, University of Minnesota Duluth, UW-Superior, UW-Eau Claire, Northland College, and University of Gothenburg (Sweden), as well as members of the Wisconsin Geological Survey, Freshwater Society, and Superior Hiking Trail.

a person standing in front of a group of people sitting around tables a person standing in front of a podium with a large screen a person standing in front of a group of people sitting around a table

Their presentations received high praise from attending geoscience experts. Feedback highlighted the outstanding quality of their work and the impressive achievements of the EARTH Systems Lab. Professor Larson expressed immense pride in his students and the work being produced in the lab. He mentioned: "The compliments about our work at MNSU and within the EARTH Systems Lab from giants in geoscience are still hitting my inbox. It's common to hear, 'They're all working in your lab?' and "One of my "heroes" in the field said, "It is incredible what you guys are building down there in Mankato." 

National Science Foundation Frontier Research in Earth Science project at the European Geosciences Union Conference - Vienna, Austria 

Two of the graduate students led presentations on research in the NSF FRES project at the European Geosciences Union conference held in Vienna, Austria. They weren't able to attend in person, but they did present virtually.

  • Hunter Delikowski (Geography MS, Lead Author)

Delikowski, H., Uchytil, G., Rowen, J., Fischer, A., Larson, P., Johnson, M., Faulkner, D., Running, G., Rittenour, T., Wickert, A., Brown, A., Hilgendorf, Z., and Schirmer, R.: Assessing the Role of Outburst Floods in the Formation of the Lower St. Croix River Valley, MN/WI, USA, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4107,, 2024.

  • Abigail Fischer (Geography MS, Lead Author)

Fischer, A., Susnik, C., Stafford, N., Delikowski, H., Rowen, J., Breckenridge, A., Larson, P., Seong, Y. B., Faulkner, D., Ullman, D., Wickert, A., Barefoot, E., and Brown, A.: A Sedimentologic, Morphometric, and Geochronologic Investigation of Ambiguous Dune-like Landforms: An Indicator of Proglacial Lake Drainage in the Lake Superior Basin, USA, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4108,, 2024.

They both did a fantastic job and this work is the subject of each of their thesis projects.
