A lifetime immersed in music—see how a young pianist grew into an inspiring educator and artist in the latest HSS Insight! This episode, we learn more about David Viscoli, a music professor in the Department of Performing Arts, who’s expertise is in piano. He is joined by host Dr. Chris Brown, Dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences.
HSS Insights with Professor David Viscoli was created for HSS by IT Solutions Comm Video. Director: Fabio Castel Garcia.
Written by: Dr. Dean Brown and Elyse Anderson. Camera Operators: Fabio Castel Garcia, Kathryn Petzel, Nahom Atnafu, Lilly Anderson, Rajesh Karki. Set assistants: Mallory Schafer, Nahom Atnafu, Lilly Anderson.
Audio Recording: Omar Elkenawy, Kuban J. Ilhan.
Video Editors: Fabio Castel Garcia, Kathryn Petzel, Lilly Anderson. Assistant Video Editors: Mallory Schafer and Connor Kulas.