Computer screen. Designates degree is also available online.

International Relations

The International Relations degree offers students the opportunity to study the way countries and governments interact with each other on the global stage and how those interactions affect other countries.

Nonprofit Leadership

The Nonprofit Leadership Program (NPL) prepares students for careers and service in the ever-growing nonprofit sector. This interdisciplinary program can be completed online, and students on or near campus can select from a greater number of courses that are part of the program.

Policing Studies

The Policing Studies program offers students an accredited Bachelor of Science degree to pursue employment or a minor to explore the field of study.

Political Science

Political Science focuses on the politics and policy of the United States. Students can direct their studies to study particular policy issues like racial & ethnic policy or environmental policy, or look at US policies comparatively with international politics and policy.


Psychology is the scientific study of the effects of individual, social, physiological, developmental, and environmental factors on thoughts, feelings, and behavior.

Social Studies

The Social Studies Education major is the step along the way to becoming a licensed 5th-12th grader Social Studies teacher. This is an accredited program and prepares future teachers to teach subjects such as history, geography, economics, political science, psychology and sociology.

Urban and Regional Studies

The Urban and Regional Studies Institute offers interdisciplinary, national award-winning, accredited undergraduate and graduate degree programs oriented toward examining and understanding the broad range of problems and challenges associated with the nation's urban and regional areas.