RESOLUTE: MN Stories of 9/11 & The War
Minnesota 9/11 and the Global War on Terror Traveling Exhibit
Minnesotans were in the towers, planes and Pentagon on that fateful morning and on the frontlines of the war that followed. The traveling exhibit - packed with testimonials, archives and artifacts - traces the experiences of fellow Minnesotans and places their service into the wider context of America's long war. Staff and volunteers of the Minnesota Military & Veterans Museum serve as docents. The exhibit is free and open to the public.
This exhibit is made possible, in part, by a grant from the MN Dept of Veteran Affairs.
Centennial Student Union Ballroom
Minnesota State University, Mankato
620 West, S Rd
Mankato, MN 56001
Public Exhibit Times:
- Sept. 8: 12-3pm
- Sept. 9: 12-7pm
- Sept. 10: 9am-3pm
- Sept. 11: 12pm-3pm
Related Events
9/11 Museum Teacher Professional Development:
August 25, 9-10:50am or 1:30-3:20pm
September 11, 2001: The Day That Changed the World
Discover classroom-ready strategies and resources that help students understand 9/11 and its ongoing impact. In addition to building foundational knowledge, this session will focus on concrete strategies and entry points into a variety of challenging content areas, including teaching 9/11 through first-person testimony, the shifting balance between national security and civil liberties, and the rise of Islamophobia. Help students make connections to self as we explore how our experiences navigating the pandemic can inform teaching and learning today. This is a free event, but space is limited to 30 seats per sessions. Registration is required.
The Legacy of 9/11: Four Perspectives
Sponsored by the Minnesota Humanities Center
Sept. 8, 4-5:30pm
Ostrander Auditorium
The September 11 attacks of 2001 remain among the most significant events in U.S. history, with lasting impacts on people from all walks of life. For many who experienced that day, the events of 9/11 are a flashbulb memory: we can remember exactly where we were, what we were doing, and how we felt.
The Minnesota Humanities Center, in conjunction with the 9/11 Exhibit from the MN Military and Veterans Museum, welcomes the public to this moderated discussion which will examine several perspectives on 9/11, exploring reflections, memories, and personal stories of how the event has influenced each speaker’s life. We welcome community to gather to reflect on these memories, stories, and artifacts, as we grapple not only with the legacies of 9/11 but with the effects of war and conflicts affecting the world today.
This event is free and open to the public. Registration appreciated.
"The Outpost" Film Viewing & Discussion
Ostrander Auditorium
Sept. 8, 7-9:30pm
Join us for a viewing of "The Outpos," a film, starring Orlando Bloom, Scott Eastwood and Caleb Landy Jones, about the 2009 Battle of Kamdesh in Afghanistan. A Minnesota native, Andrew Bundermann, was in command of the outpost and is depicted in the film. Some of his materials, including his Distinguished Service Cross, are part of the RESOLUTE: MN Stories of 9/11 & The War Traveling Exhibit. MDVA Commissioner Larry Herke and Museum Director Randal Dietrich will provide further context prior to the screening.
This event is free and open to the public. Registration is not required.
Anniversary in the Theaters: Film Screening of the New 9/11 Documentary
Sept. 9, 10:30am
AMC Classic Mankato
On Friday, Sept. 9, 2022, the College of Education and the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at the Minnesota State University, Mankato will host a free, private film viewing as part of the 9/11 Memorial & Museum’s Anniversary in the Theaters program.
In partnership with AMC Theaters, the 9/11 Memorial & Museum will be screening their new, 35-minute film featuring first-person accounts of the unity, resilience, and hope that defined September 11 and remain more relevant today than ever. Mankato is one of just a handful of sites across the country to be taking part of the Anniversary in the Theaters program.
The public is invited to attend. Movie starts promptly at 10:30am so please plan to arrive at least 10-15 minutes prior to the start time. No registration required. This event is free and open to the public.