Christopher Brown, Founding Dean
Ph.D. | College of Humanities & Social Sciences
(507) 389-1713
- Ph.D. in Intercultural Communication from the University of New Mexico
- M.S. in Multicultural, and Corporate and Professional Communication DePaul University
- B.A. in Psychology and Communication, and a minor in Spanish from Aurora University
A Chicago, IL native, Dr. Christopher Brown, earned his BA in Psychology and Communication from Aurora University, MA in Communication from DePaul University, and Ph.D. in Intercultural Communication with an emphasis in race and philosophy from the University of New Mexico. His research interests explore the discourses of white supremacist groups, white-male elites’ constructions of race, and the phenomenology of racialized embodiment. He co-authored a book, Race and the Senses: The Felt Politics of Racial Embodiment (Bloomsbury Academic). He has published book chapters, encyclopedia entries, book reviews, and articles in such journals as Communication Monographs, Departures in Critical Qualitative Research, Communication Studies, Howard Journal of Communications, and Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly. He received an Executive Leadership Fellowship from the University of California, Berkeley, and is currently a Luoma Leadership fellow.
Tchernev, J., Brown, C., Walther-Martin, W., & Moyer-Gusé, E. (2021). Forceful or Funny? Audience Interpretations of Narrative Persuasion in Satirical Entertainment Media. Communication Studies, 72(4), 734-751 pp. 1 – 18. DOI: 10.1080/10510974.2021.1953099
Sekimoto, S. & Brown, C. (2020). Race and the Senses: The Felt Politics of Racial Embodiment. London and Oxford: Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing PLC; New York: Routledge.
Sekimoto, S., Brown, C., & Rudnick, J. (2020). Bodies that Collide: Feeling Intersectionality. Eguchi, S., Calafell, B. M., & Adbi, S. (Eds.). De-Whitening Intersectionality. Rowman and Littlefield, Lanham, MD.
Karikari, E., & Brown, C. (2018). Sensemaking in Turbulent Contexts: African Student Leadership in a Postcolonial Context. Communication Studies, 69 (4), 439 – 452.
Brown, C., McCasland, B., Paris, K., & Sekimoto, S. (2018). Walking through Wakanda: A critical multimodal analysis of Afrofuturism in the Black Panther comic book. Banjo, O. O (Ed). Media across the African Diaspora: Content, Audiences, and Influence. London: Routledge.
Brown, C. (2018). Book Review: Dimensions of Racism in Advertising: From Slavery to the Twenty-first Century, by Edward Lama Wonkeryor (Ed.). Journal of Mass Communication Quarterly, 1 - 2
Brown, C. (2017). Book Review: The myth of post-racialism in television news by Libby Lewis: Routledge. Journal of Mass Communication Quarterly, 94 (4), 1267 – 1268.
Brown, C., & Sekimoto, S. (2017). Engaging critical pedagogy in the classroom: A student-centered approach to diversity in advertising education. Journal of Advertising Education, 21 (2), 18 – 24.
Banjo, O. O., Wang, Z. J., Appiah, O., Brown, C., Walther, W., Tchernev, J., Hedstrom, A. & Irwin, M. (2017). Experiencing racial humor with out-groups: A psychophysiological approach to examining co-viewing effects. Media Psychology, 20, 607 – 631.