Julie Wulfemeyer, Professor
Director, Cognitive Science Program
(507) 389-1263
- Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of California, Los Angeles
- M.A. in Philosophy from the University of California, Los Angeles
- B.A. in Philosophy from the University of Kansas
- A.A. from Hutchinson Community College
Wulfemeyer is a professor of philosophy, director of the Cognitive Science Program, and a co-creator and coordinator for the minor in Human-Animal Studies. After completing a bachelor’s degree at the University of Kansas, she earned her master’s and doctorate degrees in philosophy at UCLA. She specializes in philosophy of mind, philosophy of language, and related issues in metaphysics and epistemology, and she has published articles on both philosophical and pedagogical topics. Wulfemeyer regularly teaches Introduction to Philosophy, Animal Minds, Philosophy of Perception, Epistemology, and Philosophy of Language. Prior to her arrival at MSU, she was a visiting assistant professor at Colgate University in Hamilton, NY.
Recent Publications:
“Avoiding the ‘Batty’ Conclusion That We Don’t Have a Language,” Erkenntnis (2023). Advanced online publication.
“The Inference Objection to Evidence Cases,” Philosophia 50.1 (2022): 361-68
“Cognitive Focus,” Acta Analytica 36.4 (December 2021): 553-61.
“Modeling Metacognition and Providing Background Knowledge via Guided Reading Videos,” Journal of College Reading and Learning 49.2 (2019): 75-88.
“Bound Cognition,” Journal of Philosophical Research, 42 (2017): 1-26.
“Reference-Shifting on a Causal-Historical Account,” Southwest Philosophy Review 33.1 (January 2017): 133-142.
“The Social Transmission of Direct Cognitive Relations,” Res Philosophica 94.1 (January 2017): 119-134.