Communication and Media Graduate Programs
College of Humanities and Social Sciences|Academic Programs|Communication and Media
College of Humanities and Social Sciences|Academic Programs|Communication and Media
A multi-disciplinary program designed for individuals with an interest in teaching both communication (public speaking, interpersonal, small group, and forensics) AND composition at community colleges and technical colleges.
The MA programs offers students the flexibility to advance into a professional career or into a Ph.D. program.
An 18-credit graduate certificate in Communication Education (GC-CE) designed for individuals who hold a post-secondary degree in a different discipline and are seeking to expand their education to teach communication courses at a community or technical college.
Well-rounded communication requires knowing how to interact strategically in face-to-face and online settings. This graduate certificate prepares students with the skills to communicate in a variety of professional contexts including corporate, nonprofit, and government.
This is a unique degree providing students with a flexibility in creating the direction for their program. The degree requires students to complete two 18-credit graduate certificates in different disciplines plus a one-credit capstone in either discipline for a 37-credit master's degree.