Dance Student Testimonials

Read what students have to say about our Dance program.

"Theatre and Dance Department is special because of your close relationships with peers and professors."

"In my opinion, the Theatre and Dance Department is special because of the close relationships that you get to make with your peers and professors. Having a close relationship with your professor makes learning so much fun and enjoyable. My experience at Mankato in this program has been great. It gives each student many opportunities to grow and learn in a safe supportive environment that is hard to truly explain."

"Professors inspire growth beyond dance, fostering lifelong skills and friendships in a supportive, passionate community."

Photo: Victoria K. Finger

"The relationship you build with the professors in this department is really special. Dr. Julie Kerr-Berry and Dan Stark have both pushed me to not only be a better dancer but a better, more well-rounded person. They have given me many life skills that will last with me long after graduation. I have also gained my best friends from the dance department! Sharing a love for dance with so many other passionate artists has been very inspiring and fulfilling."

"With numerous shows every year, I learned valuable skills like time management, openness, and being a good person, making it a great place to study."

Photo: Victoria K. Finger

"In my opinion, what makes the department special is the dedication that the incredibly resourceful faculty and students demonstrate. At 17 shows per year, we are constantly running around, always working, being vulnerable, and giving our all to the art of performing arts. The most useful skills I have learned have been time management, learning to keep an open mind, heart, and soul, and that being a good person is very important in this business. I think that's why going to school here is one of the best decisions I've made in my life."

"Diverse dance training empowers students to become professional performers, teachers, and dance therapists."

"The Dance Program is truly unique because it offers training in a variety of dance genres unlike many other dance programs across the country. We also have amazing professors who help us grow from studio dancers to professional performers, teachers, and dance therapists. I am beyond grateful to be a part of such a wonderful program!"

"Dance is my passion, so being able to explore different areas of my passion in an academic setting is special in itself."

"Dance is a passion of mine and it always has been, so being able to explore different areas of my passion in an academic setting is special in itself. I spend most of my days with the same people in a physical and academic setting so I get to know everyone very well...This program has impacted me in many ways, and I am very thankful for all the faculty and mentors who have been by my side throughout my years here."