Sarah Henderson Lee, Ph.D.
Professor and Director of Multilingual Writing | TESOL and Rhetoric & Composition
- Ph.D. in English (Composition & TESOL) from Indiana University of Pennsylvania
- M.A. in English (TESOL) from Missouri State University
- B.A. in German and International Relations from the University of Arkansas
Sarah Henderson Lee is Chair and Professor of English at Minnesota State University, Mankato, where she directs the multilingual writing program and teaches in the graduate Rhetoric & Composition and TESOL programs. Sarah has served as an English Language Specialist in Bahrain and Nepal, where she led multiple teacher training workshops on writing and the teaching of writing, and most recently as a Fulbright Scholar in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, where she researched the relationship between English teachers’ writing practices and pedagogies. Her research focuses on second language (L2) writing teacher education, literacy practices of immigrant and resident multilingual adolescents and adults, and world Englishes and composition.
Selected Publications:
- Ene, E., Gilliland, B., Henderson Lee, S., Saenkhum, T., & Seloni, L. (Eds.). (2024). EFL writing teacher education and professional development: Voices from under-represented contexts. Multilingual Matters.
- Seloni, L., & Henderson Lee, S. (Eds.). (2020). Second language writing instruction in global contexts: English language teacher preparation and development. Multilingual Matters.
Chapters and articles:
- Park, G., Vaccino Salvadore, S., Webb, M., Tanghe, S. Henderson Lee, S. (2024). Practicing intentional mentorship: An unfinished journey of language teacher educator and her (future) mentees. TESOL Journal, 00, e873.
- Webb, M., Charles, Q., Henderson Lee, S., Tanghe, S., & Park, G. (2024). Reimaging women leadership in TESOL: Advocating for change, harnessing reflexivity, and humanizing practices. In D. Rashed & D. Suarez (Eds.), Reimagining influence in TESOL: Deconstructing female leadership identity. Brill.
- Moreland, K., Henderson Lee, S., & Cole, K. (2023). (E)merging expertise: Multivocal, multimodal preparation and development of graduate teaching assistants in writing programs. In S. Khadka & S. Pandey (Eds.), Professionalizing multimodal composition: Faculty and institutional initiatives. Utah State University Press.
- Henderson Lee, S. (2022). The life story of a Kyrgyz translator: Bridging cultures and languages. In E. B. Hanci-Azizoglu, S. Sahinkarakas, & D. J. Tannacito (Eds.), Autoethnographic Perspectives on Multilingual Life Stories (pp. 71-83). IGI Global.
- Henderson Lee, S., & Pandey, S. (2021). World Englishes in the first-year composition classroom: Perceptions of multilingual writers. In H. Hassel & K. Cole (Eds.), Transformations: Change work across writing programs, pedagogies, and practices (pp. 210-224). Utah State University Press.
- Henderson Lee, S., & Pandey, S. (2020). Writing pedagogy and practice in South Asia: A case of English language teachers and teacher trainers in Nepal. In L. Seloni & S. Henderson Lee (Eds.), Second language writing instruction in global contexts: English language teacher preparation and development (pp. 131-149). Multilingual Matters.
Recent Courses Taught:
- ENG 101: Foundations of Writing and Rhetoric
- ENG 4/587: Teaching Reading and Writing to English Learners
- ENG 623: Workshop for Second Language Writing Teaching Assistants
- ENG 625: Composition Theory
- ENG 627: Research Methods in TESOL/Applied Linguistics
- ENG 628: Second Language Writing
- ENG 629: Second Language Literacy
- ENG 634: Topics in TESOL/Applied Linguistics (World Englishes)