Graduate Programs
College of Humanities and Social Sciences|Academic Programs|Geography
College of Humanities and Social Sciences|Academic Programs|Geography
The Geography graduate programs provide students an applied learning environment with emphasis on real-world situations, and personal attention that is the hallmark of quality graduate education. We do not offer a doctoral (Ph.D.) degree in the Department of Geography, but we do offer the following graduate pathways:
Geography studies the interactions between people and our environment using cutting-edge geospatial technologies to solve real-world problems. The opportunity to complete a capstone project demonstrates scholarly mastery and readiness to lead in the work force or for further study.
The master's in GISc integrates the geospatial technologies of geographic information systems, remote sensing, and global positioning systems (GPS) with the professional skills of technical communications, project management, human resource management, and budgeting and economics in the workplace.
Geospatial technologies are in very high demand. Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Remote Sensing and GPS are the core of GISc. The graduate certificate provides in-depth training allowing students to create solutions to real-world problems involving people and environment.
View the admission requirements for the Geographys programs.
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