Media Studies is an area and field of study that explores the content, history, and impact of various forms of media. Students examine all areas of media from aesthetic, artistic, critical, cultural, technical, and theoretical perspectives.

Why Health Communication?

Health Communication at Minnesota State Mankato combines coursework from majors such as Communication and Media, Technical Communication, and Applied Health Sciences to create a major tailor-made to students' interests and career goals.

Health Communication, BS

BS in Health Communication provides undergraduate students with multidisciplinary skills for communicating in health settings or about health and medical topics.

Health Communication Minor

The Health Communication minor is an interdisciplinary program designed to provide undergraduate students with writing and speaking skills for use in health and medical settings.

Career Opportunities

These Potential Careers in Health Communication set you up for success across numerous fields and disciplines—from patient advocacy to digital copywriting.

Health Communication Faculty and Staff

Faculty and Staff contact information for Health Communication.