Bekka Williams, Associate Professor
(507) 389-2761
- Ph.D. in Philosophy from University of Wisconsin-Madison
- M.A. in Philosophy from University of Wisconsin-Madison
- B.S. in Sociology from University of Wisconsin-Superior
Bekka’s academic background is in ethical theory and political philosophy, but she has also
been fortunate to coauthor work that bleeds into both aesthetics and epistemology. Bekka has ongoing interests in group agency/responsibility, luck egalitarianism, and capability metrics of distributive justice.
Currently, Bekka is working on the ethics of epistemic carelessness about morality and the moral relevance of what she is currently calling “counterfactual moral motivation”.
Bekka regularly teaches Introduction to Ethics, where she enjoys including less-discussed controversial topics in applied ethics such as parent licensing, animal domestication, and anti-natalism. She also teaches upper-level courses in ethical theory and political philosophy.
Representative Publications
"Moral Outrage Porn" (coauthored with C. Thi Nguyen), Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 18.2 (2020): 147-72.
"Why We Call Things 'Porn'" (coauthored with C. Thi Nguyen), The New York Times, July 2019.
"A Demarcation Problem for Political Discourse" (coauthored with David Killoren and Jonathan Lang), in Ethics in Politics: The Rights and Obligations of Individual Political Agents (ed. Emily M. Crookston, David Killoren, and Jonathan Trerise). Routledge (2017), 181-201.
"Capability Luck Egalitarianism," in The Equal Society (ed. George Hull). Lexington Books (2015), 95-117.
"Group Agency and Overdetermination" (coauthored with David Killoren), Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 16.2 (2013): 295-307.