Policing Studies
College of Humanities and Social Sciences | Academic Programs
College of Humanities and Social Sciences | Academic Programs
The Policing Studies Program is a pre-professional program accredited by the Minnesota Board of Peace Officers Standard and Training (POST) that prepares students to successfully meet the requirements to take the state licensure exam in order to obtain employment as a peace officer in the State of Minnesota. Students completing this program are also prepared to pursue a career as a peace officer in other states and federal agencies. The faculty have a vast array of academic and professional experiences and work diligently to ensure the program produces the best-prepared graduates. The program also offers a minor in Policing Studies.
Our faculty and professional staff are your partners in achieving your academic goals! Learn how we serve students regarding academic policies and procedures, and any other academic concerns.
Attending a University is more than time spent in a classroom. Explore the real-world experiences that make being a Law Enforcement student extraordinary.
Begin with the end in mind! Explore the career opportunities waiting for you at the conclusion of your University journey.
Policing Studies BS is designed for individuals seeking a professional career as a peace officer in a law enforcement or related agency who serves multicultural and diverse communities at the individual, local, state, federal, and global levels.
The policing studies minor allows students to pursue their interests in a variety of aspects of the policing studies professions.
The Criminal Justice graduate program equips students with evidence-based practices and practical skills to advance their careers, promote social justice, restorative justice, and public policy, and be change agents in the diverse communities they will serve.
The Policing Studies Certificate is for students who already have a conferred bachelor's degree in any discipline who want to meet the education requirements to become a licensed peace officer in the State of Minnesota and work for a law enforcement or related agency.
Connect socially and academically with other students that share interest in Criminal Justice.
Learn more about the Policing Studies faculty and staff.
Contact Policing Studies with questions or for more information.