Kayla De Lorme, Associate Professor

Address: 103 Armstrong Hall (AH 103)
Phone: (507) 389-6317
Email: kayla.delorme@mnsu.edu


  • Ph.D. in Behavioral Neuroscience, Michigan State University

Areas of Interest

  • Puberty and adolescent development
  • Developmental neuroscience
  • Behavioral neuroendocrinology
  • Behavioral and cognitive flexibility
  • Gender, sex, and sexuality

Courses Taught

  • PSYC 201 Statistics in Psychology
  • PSYC 321 Brain and Behavior
  • PSYC 436 Adolescent Psychology

Selected Publications

  • De Lorme, K. C., Staffend-Michael, N. A., Simmons, S. C., Robison, A. J., & Sisk, C. L. (2019). Pubertal testosterone programs adult behavioral adaptations to sexual experience through infralimbic cortex ΔFosB. eNeuro, 6(3).
  • De Lorme, K. C. & Sisk, C. L. (2016). The organizational effects of pubertal testosterone on sexual proficiency in adult male Syrian hamsters. Physiology & behavior, 165, 273-277.
  • De Lorme, K. C. & Sisk, C. L. (2013). Pubertal testosterone programs context appropriate agonistic behavior and associated neural activation patterns in male Syrian hamsters. Physiology & behavior, 112, 1-7.
  • De Lorme, K., Bell, M. R., & Sisk, C. L. (2013). The teenage brain: Social reorientation and the adolescent brain—The role of gonadal hormones in the male Syrian hamster. Current directions in psychological science, 22(2), 128-133.
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