Sarah Myers, Assistant Professor
(507) 389-6308
Hello! I am an assistant professor in the Department of Psychology at Minnesota State University, Mankato. My main interest lies with improving college student learning and experience by investigating and implementing scientifically-supported teaching methods. My lab focuses on research into the best learning and teaching techniques, including the use of practice quizzes, best designs of lecture materials, and students' judgments of their own learning and how this impacts study decisions.
- Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology, Colorado State University
- M.S. in Cognitive Psychology, Colorado State University
- B.S. in Psychology & Animal Science, Iowa State University
- Student learning and cognition
- Education
- Metacognition
- Science of learning & teaching
Courses Taught
- PSYC 201 Statistics for Psychology
- PSYC 211 Research Methods and Design
Selected Publications
- Myers, S. J., Rhodes, M. G., & Loaiza, V. M. (in press). JOLs impact item memory but not source memory: Insights into JOL reactivity using a multinomial model. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition.
- Gabbard, J., Hughey, A. W., Bohlander, C. Myers, S. J., & Hughey, K. (2024). Teaching and learning and mental health [Panel discussion]. Wakonse 34th annual conference on college teaching, Oceania County, MI.
- Myers, S. J., Hausman, H., & Rhodes, M. G. (2023). Testing effects for self-generated versus experimenter-provided questions. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied.
- Myers, S. J. (2017-2022). Applying the science of learning to your studying. Presented to first-year seminars in business, biology, neuroscience, and psychology, Colorado State University
- Myers, S. J. (2021). What’s the matter with memes?: The impact of seductive details on learning. Presented to psychology teaching fellows, Colorado State University Psychology teaching fellows, Colorado State University
- Myers, S. J., Davis, S. D., & Chan, J. C. K. (2021). Does expressive writing or an instructional intervention reduce the impacts of test anxiety in a college classroom? Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 6(1), 1-22.
- Hausman, H., Myers, S. J., & Rhodes, M. G. (2021). Improving metacognition in the classroom. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 229, 89-103.
- Gereau, A., Myers, S. J., & Rhodes, M. G. (2021). Memory performance in interactive tutorials vs. traditional lectures [Poster]. 62nd annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, New Orleans, LA (virtual).
- Myers, S. J., Rhodes, M. G., & Hausman, H. E. (2020). Judgments of learning (JOLs) selectively improve memory depending on the type of test. Memory and Cognition, 48(5), 745-758.
- Myers, S. J. (2019). The unknown benefits of testing and boundaries of those benefits. Presented at CSU Speaks: Sharing CSU research with the Fort Collins community, New Belgium Brewing Co., Fort Collins, CO