Lisa Perez, Ph.D, Associate Professor

Address: 332B Wiecking Center
Phone: 507-389-5696


  • Ph.D. in Industrial-Organizational Psychology, Bowling Green State University, 1998

Areas of Interest

  • Occupational Stress & Health
  • Off-job Recovery from Workplace Stressors
  • Workplace Incivility
  • Workplace Exposure to Disturbing Electronic Images
  • Employee Engagement

Courses Taught

  • Psyc101 Introduction to Psychological Science
  • Psyc201 Statistics
  • Psyc419/519 Psychometric Theory
  • Psyc624 Stress & Health in the Workplace
  • Psyc4/563 Survey of Industrial-Organizational Psychology

Selected Publications/Presentations

  • Collini, S., Guidroz, A. M., & Perez, L. M. (in press). Turnover in healthcare: The mediating effects of employee engagement. Journal of Nursing Management. (Accepted for publication, April 2013).
  • Houlihan, S., Perez, L., Houlihan, D., & Kruger, A. (2013). Creation of a selection program for indigenous students at an eco-tourism focused high school in the Ecuadorian Amazon region. Educational Research Journal, 3, 83-91.
  • Guidroz, A. M., Wang, M., & Perez, L. M. (2012). Developing a model of source-specific interpersonal conflict in healthcare. Stress & Health, 28, 69-79.
  • Perez, L. M., Jones, J., Englert, D. R., & Sachau, D. (2010). Secondary traumatic stress and burnout among law enforcement investigators exposed to disturbing media images. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 25, 113-124.
  • Fox, M., Tange, A., & Perez, L. (2008, October). Conflict, workload and health: The moderating effects of recovery experiences. Proceedings of the 2008 Midwest Academy of Management Conference, St. Louis, MO.
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