Psychology Undergraduate Programs
College of Humanities and Social Sciences|Academic Programs|Psychology
College of Humanities and Social Sciences|Academic Programs|Psychology
Psychology majors gain a broad scientific understanding of behavior and the mind. Through research and educational experiences in a range of specialties, graduates are prepared to pursue advanced degrees as well as careers in business, human resources, social services, and other related fields.
Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behavior. Psychologists study the individual, social, physiological, developmental, and environmental effects on thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Students majoring in a wide range of disciplines will benefit from a minor in psychology.
This certificate provides research experiences and a credential in Experimental Psychology with skills in scientific literacy, communication, and critical thinking. Such applied skills help graduates gain admittance to a range of graduate programs or research-based careers.
Cognitive Science is an interdisciplinary inquiry concerned with understanding the nature and development of such intelligent capacities as perception, language, reasoning, learning and problem-solving, whether these capacities are realized in biological or artificial systems.