Public Management (GC)

This graduate certificate program provides the basic concepts, skills, and values for pursuing a career in local public management. The program is designed to meet the basic standards of professional competency specified by the International City/County Management Association (IC). The program is appropriate for students who wish to develop a local government management focus within a graduate degree program, or for students who have already earned their degree and wish to prepare for a career shift. 

Current Catalog Year
Years 2024-2025
Major / Total Credits
12 / 12
Career Cluster
Government and Public Administration

Program Requirements

Restricted Electives

Choose 12 credits.

This course is designed for students preparing for a professinal career in local government or public service, focuses on media relations and building citizen involvement through public awareness projects.

Prerequisites: none

An examination of modern principles and techniques of leadership and management. Emphasis is placed on the interactive style of leadership and behavioral concepts of management.

Prerequisites: none

This course provides a set of concepts and tools to consider the design and development of public sector policies and decision making.

Prerequisites: none

Changing nature of management of urban and human behavior in the municipal organization. Emphasis on the development of decision-making and communication skills.

Prerequisites: none

Provides an overview of urban administrative services with an emphasis on urban finance systems and human resource management. Examines the economic and human resource environment for local government managers' decision-making.

Prerequisites: none

Course examines financial management utilizing accurate forecasting, fund accounting and fiscal reporting. Covers budget cycle including legal limitations on local taxation, expenditures, and debt financing.

Prerequisites: none