Sociology (MA)
Sociology seeks to understand the social world. The program strongly emphasizes the diversity of sociological theories and research methodologies. Upon this foundation, the program provides an in-depth apprenticeship in the discipline of sociology by combining core courses, diverse subject areas, and the opportunity for intensive academic specialization. This program is ideally suited for those who wish to continue their education, earn a Ph.D. and plan a career in college teaching or research. It is also appropriate for those who choose to pursue careers applying sociology in a variety of work settings.
Current Catalog Year
Years 2024-2025
Major / Total Credits
33 / 33
Student Expectations
Students are required to maintain a 3.0 grade point average for the entire degree program. Half of all graduate credit applied toward the degree must be earned in courses at the 600 level. Up to six credits may be taken outside of the department with the approval of a student's advisor. The student must complete all graduate degree requirements within six years.
Alternate Plan Paper or Master's Thesis
A master's thesis is written under the supervision of the student's thesis advisor and examining committee. The thesis may be original research, an historical review, replication of an existing study, secondary analysis of available data, or applied research. Thesis requirements include an oral defense of the thesis proposal at the beginning of the project and a successful oral defense upon completion of the work.
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Request Information
Common Core
Proseminar is an introduction to the sociology graduate programs at MSU Mankato and broader issues related to graduate education. Students will learn about program requirements; differences between capstone options (thesis or alternate plan paper) how they are structured and time-lines for completion; department plagiarism policy and how to avoid plagiarism; become familiar with library resources; become familiar with the policies and procedures of the IRB; meet department graduate faculty and become familiar with their areas of expertise, scholarship, and graduate courses they teach. Proseminar is an important course that prepares students for a timely completion of their graduate degree.
A survey and analysis of major scientific approaches to human social behavior.
Appreciation of basic multivariable methods in the analysis of sociological data. Includes computer applications using SPSS and application to various social issues.
Advanced-level introduction or review of social science research methods, including entire research process: problem definition, literature review, hypothesis development, method development, data collection, analysis, interpretation, and communication; focuses on quantitative methods.
An overview of sociological theory that spans the classical and contemporary traditions within the discipline and focuses on current theoretical issues and controversies within the field.
This course is an analysis of the meaning, social construction and significance of race, class, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, and other boundaries within the pluralistic culture of the United States and in a global world. The course unpacks the mechanisms by which inequalities are maintained in organizations of education, politics, labor market, criminal justice system, sports, neighborhood boundaries, marriage and family, migration, nation, and citizenship. The course explores the matrix of domination and structural dimensions of life by considering sociological critiques of social institutional analyses.
Restricted Electives
Choose 9 - 12 Credit(s). Any 500/600 level elective courses selected in consultation with an advisor.
Capstone Course
Choose Thesis or APP - Choose 1 - 3 Credit(s).
Preparation of an alternate plan paper under supervision of the student's graduate advisor. Prereq: must be enrolled in the MS program in Sociology.