Sociology Club

a group of people looking down at the camera

The Sociology Club at Minnesota State University, Mankato serves as a social and academic environment whereby students can network resources and practice their sociological imagination. We try to provide opportunities for our fellow students to dive into the sociological world by going to annual conferences such as the Midwest Sociological Association and the Sociologists of Minnesota meetings each year.
We come together on a regular basis and talk about possible activities that would help us strengthen our sociological skills, and then try to do them. Lastly, we build a cohort, every year of students who are excited about our field and want to be a part of it. The Sociology club 'members' (we are all members) serve as friends to each other. We share knowledge and can network our connections in this way.

In the past, we have engaged in a number of volunteer activities such as "Rake the Town" and the "Relay for Life."

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If you would like to join the Club you may email the faculty advisor (below) or go to our Sociology Club page on Mav Central.

Sarah Epplen, Faculty Advisor