Theatre and Dance (MFA)

The MFA is a terminal degree for the creative artists and educators, and provides training for increased professional competencies in the specialized areas of Theatre and Dance. The department offers a comprehensive curriculum designed to balance students' practical training with historical and socio-political context to prepare them as creative and scholarly practitioners in the performing arts. Students’ ability to think critically and act globally equips them with the necessary knowledge and skills to enter professional lives as performers, choreographers, technicians, designers, educators, arts administrators, arts advocates, and leaders in the arts.  As a result, they emerge from the program with greater global, historical, racial, cultural, gender, and justice literacy in their fields.

Current Catalog Year
Years 2024-2025
Master of Fine Arts
Major / Total Credits
60 / 60

Program Requirements

Common Core

Theatre Performance Core

A study and practice of dialects most often used in performance. ALT-S

Prerequisites: none

An exploration of basic skills involved in unarmed combat and a variety of historical weapons systems with primary emphasis on theatricality and safety. F

Prerequisites: none

Survey of theatrical history from its origins to 1700. ALT-S

Prerequisites: none

Survey of theatrical history from 1700 to the present. ALT-S

Prerequisites: none

Advanced study and exercises in vocal development.S

Prerequisites: none

Survey of drama and theatre critics from Aristotle to the present.

Prerequisites: none

Theatre Design/Production Core

Exposes students to the functions of theatre managers through case studies, discussions, practical application and readings. ALT-S

Prerequisites: none

Development of techniques and skills in the creation of scenery. F

Prerequisites: none

The study of lighting equipment, usage, techniques, and stage lighting design. S

Prerequisites: none

Survey of theatrical history from its origins to 1700. ALT-S

Prerequisites: none

Survey of theatrical history from 1700 to the present. ALT-S

Prerequisites: none

This class teaches how to access historical information and present it to directors, actors or designers in a way that will help them make informed and practical artistic choices.

Prerequisites: none

Communication skill enhancement between the director and designers of complex theatrical productions.

Prerequisites: none

Exploring the techniques of building a working design/technical portfolio and resume. F

Prerequisites: none

Survey of drama and theatre critics from Aristotle to the present.

Prerequisites: none

Dance Core - Must take DANC 580 2 times.

Course develops skills to plan, find, secure and thrive in career path in either the professional or academic field.

Prerequisites: none

Students will design, plan, and execute a project that parallels their area of interest.

Prerequisites: none

Study and practice of specific techniques to improve dancers' performance, health, and teaching.

Prerequisites: none

The focus of the course is on lesson planning, assessment, and teaching.

Prerequisites: none

Cross-cultural survey of dance with emphasis on historical, social and culturaldimensions

Prerequisites: none

Exploration of the creative process and a variety of improvisation techniques.

Prerequisites: none

Historical survey of Western theatrical dance from the 1500s to the present. Also integrates reading and discussion about how class, gender, and race affected the development of concert dance history in the United States and Europe.

Prerequisites: none

Survey of drama and theatre critics from Aristotle to the present.

Prerequisites: none

Research/Methods Course(s)

Techniques in advanced theatre research and appropriate project and thesis. F

Prerequisites: none

Restricted Electives

* Acting Track must take 6 credits of 621/622.
* Musical Theatre Track must take 8 credits of 621/622
* Must take 611 six (6) times.
* Directing specialization must take THEA 630 4 times.

Theatre Performance Track (choose one specialization)

Theatre: Acting Specialization Core

A performance based class concentrating on using the song as the basis for acting.

Prerequisites: none

Advanced scene studies with a focus on analysis and the varied approaches to developing motivations. ALT-S

Prerequisites: none

Advanced scene studies in classical and stylized dramatic literature. ALT-S

Prerequisites: none

Development of performance craft for the media. ALT-S

Prerequisites: none

Advanced study and development of individual performance, craft, and acting methodologies. F

Prerequisites: none

Individual exploration of ballet, jazz, modern, or tap dance based upon the student's expertise.F

Prerequisites: none

Continuation of Advanced Theatre Movement I. S

Prerequisites: none

Theatre: Acting Specialization Electives - Choose 3 Credit(s).

Survey of the history of the American Musical Theatre from its origins to the present.

Prerequisites: none

This class teaches how to access historical information and present it to directors, actors or designers in a way that will help them make informed and practical artistic choices.

Prerequisites: none

Musical Theatre Specialization Core

A performance based class concentrating on using the song as the basis for acting.

Prerequisites: none

Introductory survey of American Musical Theatre history and repertoire as well as performance techniques for the singing actor. ALT-F

Prerequisites: none

Survey of the history of the American Musical Theatre from its origins to the present.

Prerequisites: none

Private lessons in developing the actor's singing voice. May be repeated.

Prerequisites: none

Individual exploration of ballet, jazz, modern, or tap dance based upon the student's expertise.F

Prerequisites: none

Continuation of Advanced Theatre Movement I. S

Prerequisites: none

Musical Theatre Specialization Electives - Choose 6 Credit(s).

Advanced scene studies with a focus on analysis and the varied approaches to developing motivations. ALT-S

Prerequisites: none

The development of individual performance craft and advanced acting methodologies. ALT-F

Prerequisites: none

Advanced scene studies in classical and stylized dramatic literature. ALT-S

Prerequisites: none

Theatre: Directing Specialization Core

Exposes students to the functions of theatre managers through case studies, discussions, practical application and readings. ALT-S

Prerequisites: none

Advanced studies in script analysis, actor psychology, and staging techniques culminating in performance projects with critical analysis. S

Prerequisites: none

This class teaches how to access historical information and present it to directors, actors or designers in a way that will help them make informed and practical artistic choices.

Prerequisites: none

Theory and Practice of basic design principles geared for the theatrical director. The course may be repeated to include set, costume, lighting, and sound design.F, S

Prerequisites: none

Continuation of Advanced Directing Methods I. S

Prerequisites: none

Communication skill enhancement between the director and designers of complex theatrical productions.

Prerequisites: none

Theatre: Directing Specialization Electives - Choose 3 Credit(s).

Advanced scene studies with a focus on analysis and the varied approaches to developing motivations. ALT-S

Prerequisites: none

The development of individual performance craft and advanced acting methodologies. ALT-F

Prerequisites: none

Advanced scene studies in classical and stylized dramatic literature. ALT-S

Prerequisites: none

Development of performance craft for the media. ALT-S

Prerequisites: none

Theatre Design/Production Track (choose one specialization)

Theatre: Scene Design Specialization

Refinement of model building and drawing skills in theatrical design. S

Prerequisites: none

A visual appreciation of assorted cultures through the study of their architecture, decoration, furniture, utensils, etc.

Prerequisites: none

Production and sound effects, electronic sound reinforcement of live performance, choice and operation of sound equipment, as well as basic music styles and terminology. S

Prerequisites: none

Advanced theatrical scene painting techniques.

Prerequisites: none

Exploring compositional organization of the two-dimensional surface by experimenting with a variety of media, materials, forms, approaches and subjects as a means for theatrical communication.

Prerequisites: none

Advanced techniques in theatre drafting and CAD for the theatre design professional.

Prerequisites: none

Advanced study and practical application techniques in either scene, costume, or lighting design. F, S

Prerequisites: none

Theatre: Costume Design Specialization - Choose 21 Credit(s). * Elective credits must include 3 credits of 600 level electives and 3 cr Ind Study

Theory and techniques in costume design and execution. F

Prerequisites: none

Advanced costume design theory and techniques. ALT-S

Prerequisites: none

Survey of costume history from ancient Egypt to 1900. ALT-S

Prerequisites: none

Exploring compositional organization of the two-dimensional surface by experimenting with a variety of media, materials, forms, approaches and subjects as a means for theatrical communication.

Prerequisites: none

Advanced study and practical application techniques in either scene, costume, or lighting design. F, S

Prerequisites: none

Advanced independent study. F,S

Prerequisites: none

Theatre: Lighting Design Specialization - Choose 21 Credit(s). * Electives must include 3 cr 500-level and 2 cr 600-level electives

Solving particular lighting design challenges. ALT-F

Prerequisites: none

Production and sound effects, electronic sound reinforcement of live performance, choice and operation of sound equipment, as well as basic music styles and terminology. S

Prerequisites: none

Advanced exploration of all aspects of theatrical stage management activities through specific theoretical and practical study.

Prerequisites: none

Advanced techniques in theatre drafting and CAD for the theatre design professional.

Prerequisites: none

Advanced study and practical application techniques in either scene, costume, or lighting design. F, S

Prerequisites: none

Computer realization for virtual lighting design to enhance practical production quality.

Prerequisites: none

Theatre: Sound Design Specialization - * Electives must include 3 cr 500-level and 3 cr 600-level electives

Production and sound effects, electronic sound reinforcement of live performance, choice and operation of sound equipment, as well as basic music styles and terminology. S

Prerequisites: none

Integrated sound design to support and enhance theatrical production.

Prerequisites: none

Advanced techniques in theatre drafting and CAD for the theatre design professional.

Prerequisites: none

Advanced study and practical application techniques in either scene, costume, or lighting design. F, S

Prerequisites: none

A study of the concepts behind digital audio and an exploration of their practical uses.

Prerequisites: none

Theatre: Technical Direction Specialization - * Electives must include 3 cr 500-level and 3 cr 600-level electives

Explores duties and construction techniques of the theatre technical director including budgeting, stage machinery, theatrical systems, and project management. ALT-F

Prerequisites: none

Production and sound effects, electronic sound reinforcement of live performance, choice and operation of sound equipment, as well as basic music styles and terminology. S

Prerequisites: none

Advanced techniques in theatre drafting and CAD for the theatre design professional.

Prerequisites: none

Explores advanced facets of technical direction including entertainment engineering and technology currently in use in the field.

Prerequisites: none

Advanced study and practical application techniques in either scene, costume, or lighting design. F, S

Prerequisites: none

Dance Track - Select one area of specialization.

Dance Performance Specialization Core - * Must take DANC 528 five (5) times.

Repertory experience in performance of the choreography by a variety of danceartists. May be repeated.

Prerequisites: none

Course will advance individual student's compositional skills through her/his solo and group projects in an self-paced manner.

Prerequisites: none

Dance Performance Specialization Theatre Electives - Choose 10 Credit(s). * Take any combination of THEA 621 and 622 to total 10 credits.

Individual exploration of ballet, jazz, modern, or tap dance based upon the student's expertise.F

Prerequisites: none

Continuation of Advanced Theatre Movement I. S

Prerequisites: none

Dance Performance Specialization General Electives - Choose 3 Credit(s).

Dance Choreography Specialization Core - * Must take DANC 499 4 times.

Repertory experience in performance of the choreography by a variety of danceartists. May be repeated.

Prerequisites: none

Course will advance individual student's compositional skills through her/his solo and group projects in an self-paced manner.

Prerequisites: none

Principles and techniques of choreography with an emphasis on group forms.

Prerequisites: none

Dance Choreography Specialization Theatre Electives - Choose 6 Credit(s). * Take any combination of THEA 621 and 622 to total 6 credits.

Individual exploration of ballet, jazz, modern, or tap dance based upon the student's expertise.F

Prerequisites: none

Continuation of Advanced Theatre Movement I. S

Prerequisites: none

Dance Choreography Specialization General Electives - Choose 6 Credit(s).

Dance Track Electives - Choose 16 Credit(s).

Rotation of a variety of topics in dance. May be repeated.

Prerequisites: none

A performance based class concentrating on using the song as the basis for acting.

Prerequisites: none

Introductory survey of American Musical Theatre history and repertoire as well as performance techniques for the singing actor. ALT-F

Prerequisites: none

Exposes students to the functions of theatre managers through case studies, discussions, practical application and readings. ALT-S

Prerequisites: none

Concepts and application of costume design and production for the Dance.

Prerequisites: none

Concepts and application of lighting design and production for the Dance.

Prerequisites: none

Concepts and application of sound design and production for the Dance.

Prerequisites: none

Survey of theatrical history from 1700 to the present. ALT-S

Prerequisites: none

Survey of the history of the American Musical Theatre from its origins to the present.

Prerequisites: none

Advanced study and development of individual performance, craft, and acting methodologies. F

Prerequisites: none

Communication skill enhancement between the director and designers of complex theatrical productions.

Prerequisites: none

Capstone Course

* Theatre Performance must choose 3 credits of Thesis and 5-6 credits of Internship.
* Theatre Design/Production must choose 3 credits of Thesis and 4 credits of Internship.
* Dance must choose 3 credits of Thesis.

Capstone project.

Prerequisites: none

Prerequisites: none

Choose 6 Credit(s). Consult with your advisor on options.

Special assignments in stage management, house and/or concessions management, public relations, recruitment, and related areas. F,S

Prerequisites: none

Preparation and execution of a major scene design assignment. Requires a design and construction schedule, preliminary and final design concepts, necessary drafting details, and a final evaluation of the finished project. F,S

Prerequisites: none

A considerable production responsibility dealing with some technical aspect including technical drawings, budget management, and construction techniques. F,S

Prerequisites: none

Full and assistant costume design assignments for production offered to aid in development of techniques and creativity. F,S

Prerequisites: none

The construction of costumes for theatre productions, used to increase student's skills in advanced costume construction. F,S

Prerequisites: none

Preparation and execution of a major lighting design assignment with appropriate schedules, supervision of hanging, focusing, and cues, with a final evaluation of the finished product. F,S

Prerequisites: none

Preparation and execution of a major sound design assignment including all sound effects, reinforcement, and amplification. F,S

Prerequisites: none