Spanish Program
College of Humanities and Social Sciences | World Languages and Cultures
College of Humanities and Social Sciences | World Languages and Cultures
Close to 500 million people speak Spanish and 20 countries have it as their official language. Spanish is the second-most spoken language in the U.S. (41 million Spanish speakers), giving you a local and a global advantage when it comes to job and business opportunities, travel, and life experiences.
The Spanish Language Hub provides our students with a range of opportunities to practice their Spanish, including Spanish Club, Spanish Tutoring, and Spanish Teletandem Club.
Students have the opportunity to get engaged in community and university activities and organizations that allow them to use their language and understanding of culture.
The Academic Advising Office offers academic advising to all students who are pursuing a major or minor within the College of Humanities & Social Sciences.
Explore Spanish at Minnesota State University with a BA, minor, or BS in Spanish Teaching, or a minor in Hispanic Studies Language and Culture.
Achieve your personal and professional goals with advanced Spanish skills with our graduate degree programs in Spanish, Spanish for the Professions, or a Graduate Certificate in Spanish for Professionals.
Questions? Feel free to contact us to learn more about the Spanish Program.