Justin Rudnick, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Address: 207B Armstrong Hall (AH 207B)
Phone: 507-389-5534
Email: justin.rudnick@mnsu.edu


  • Ph.D. in Communication Studies from Ohio University
  • M.A. in Communication Studies from Minnesota State University, Mankato
  • B.A. in Public Communication from the University of Wisconsin—Eau Claire


A native of Thorp, WI, Justin is an associate professor in the Department of Communication Studies at Minnesota State University, Mankato. His research interests include the performance, disclosure, and sensory/affective experiences of queer identity. Justin’s work has appeared in QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking, Cultural Studies ↔ Critical Methodologies, Departures in Critical Qualitative Research, Communication Education, and The Forensic. He also has an extensive background in coaching collegiate speech and debate, coaching at the University of Wisconsin—Eau Claire, Ohio University, and Minnesota State University, Mankato.

Recent Publications

Rudnick, J. J. (2020). Painted nails: The gender(ed) politics of queer sexuality. Women & Language, 43(1), 7-32. doi: 10.34036/WL.2020.003

Rowe, D. D., Rudnick, J. J., & White, L. E. (2020). Images of identity: Understanding power and intersectionality. Communication Teacher, 34(4), 312-319. https://doi.org/10.1080/17404622.2019.1690156

Rudnick, J. J. (2019). SpeechWire online tournament management. The Forensic of Pi Kappa Delta, 104(1), 31-34.

Rudnick, J. J., Peavy, A., Crosby, B., Harter, A., & Dougherty, C. (2019). Is it prose or is it drama? Distinguishing events based on judging criteria. National Forensic Journal, 36, 5-17. (lead article) http://www.nationalforensicjournal.org/uploads/9/1/9/3/91938460/national_forensic_journal_issue_36_fall_2019.pdf

Rudnick, J. J.(2018). Kevin Spacey’s coming out and the politics of gay victimhood. QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking, 5(2), 66-71. (Invited forum essay)
*Awarded 2019 Outstanding Scholarship Award, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Caucus, Central States Communication Association.

Rudnick, J. J. (2018). Bodies in dialogue: Arriving at thresholds of dialogic connection. Cultural Studies Critical Methodologies, 18(4), 288-296. https://doi.org/10.1177/1532708617735635

Rudnick, J. J. (2017). Showing and telling: A technique for teaching delivery skills. Discourse: Journal of the SCASD, 4, article 5.

Rudnick, J. J. (2017). Hindsight. Departures in Critical Qualitative Research, 6(2), 85-86. https://doi.org/10.1525/dcqr.2017.6.2.85

Rudnick, J. J., & Chawla, D. (2017). Performance Studies. In J. Matthes, C. S. Davis, & R. F. Potter (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Communication Research Methods. Somerset, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781118901731.iecrm0182 (5000 words)

McKenna-Buchanan, T. P., Munz, S. M., & Rudnick, J. J. (2015). To be or not to be out in the classroom: Exploring communication privacy management strategies of lesbian, gay, and queer college teachers. Communication Education, 64, 280-300. https://doi.org/10.1080/03634523.2015.1014385
*Awarded 2016 article of the year, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Caucus, Central States Communication Association.


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