Laura Jacobi, Ph.D.
Professor / University MavPASS Faculty Liaison
- Ph.D. in Communication Studies from the University of Minnesota
- M.A. in English from the University of St. Thomas
- B.A. in English & Secondary Education Certification from the University of St. Thomas
A Minnesota native, Jacobi earned a bachelor’s degree in English and secondary education certification from the University of St. Thomas, a master’s degree in English from the University of St. Thomas, and a doctorate in Communication Studies from the University of Minnesota. Following her 6 year career as a high school English teacher, Jacobi taught at college level for the University of St. Thomas, the University of Minnesota, and Minnesota State University, Mankato.
Teaching is her greatest passion, so she has also enjoyed roles as a Basic Course Director and University MavPASS Faculty Liaison—roles in which she has the opportunity to train and supervise students in teaching roles. An instructional communication and interpersonal communication scholar, Jacobi has produced many scholarly articles and presentations, including the ones listed below.
Recent Publications
- Jacobi, L. (2023). Shifting gears in a pandemic: The impact of online academic support during for international and domestic students. Journal of Comparative and International Higher Education, 15(2).
- Morris, H., & Jacobi, L. (2022). It takes the University to close the equity gap. International Journal for Equity and Social Justice in Higher Education, 1, 13-19.
- Jacobi, L. (2022). When academic support is not enough: Who are the students left behind? Research and Teaching in Developmental Education. Spring 2022, 15-35.
- Jacobi, L. (2021). A qualitative exploration of intercultural contact between domestic and international undergraduate students. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 50(1), 1-20.
- Harter, A., & Jacobi, L. (2021). Attitudes towards co-teaching in higher education: An exploration of the Circular Model of Collegiate Co-teaching. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 32(1), 167-186.
- Comer, T., & Jacobi, L. (2021). Navigating political identity in the era of Donald Trump, American Journal of Qualitative Research, 5(1), 163-184.
- Jacobi, L. (2020). Seeking to understand the impact of collaboration on Intercultural Communication Apprehension, Journal of International Students, 10(3).
- Brinkman, N., & Jacobi, L. (2020). The projection of racial identity on social media: A preliminary investigation. Journal of Intercultural Communication, 20(1), 52-64.
- Jacobi, L. & Cvancara, K. (2019). Cognitive learning in large lectures of the basic communication course: Does delivery format matter? Journal of General Education, 68(3/4), 216-240.
- Harter, A., & Jacobi, L. (2018). “Experimenting with our education” or enhancing it? Co-teaching from the perspectives of students. i.e. inquiry in education, 10(2).
- Harter, A., & Jacobi, L. (2018). “We considered ourselves a team”: Co-teaching from the perspective of graduate teaching assistants. Online Journal of New Horizons in Education, 8(4).
- Jacobi, L. (2018). Ethnocentric attitudes of American and international students: Assessing the impact of collaboration. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 47(6). doi:10.1080/17475759.2018.1506352
- Jacobi, L. (2018). What motivates students in the online communication classroom? An exploration of Self-Determination Theory. Journal of Educators Online, 15(2).
- Jacobi, L. (2018). Are we winning?! A team challenge to engage students in the large lecture introductory communication course. Journal of Pedagogic Development, 8(1).
- Jacobi, L. (2018). Passing the torch: Coaching future coaches in the contemporary world of forensics. In K. Copeland and G. Castleberry (Eds.) Competition, Community, and Educational Growth: Contemporary Perspectives on Competitive Speech and Debate. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 85-93.
- Jacobi, L. (2017). A preliminary investigation of empirically based and spiritually based marital enrichment programs. The Qualitative Report, 22(5).
- Jacobi, L. (2017). The structure of discussions in an online communication course: What do students find most effective? The Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, 14(1).
- Jacobi, L. (2016). The trifecta approach and more: Student perspectives on strategies for successful online lectures. i.e.: inquiry in education. 8(2), 1-15.
Curriculum Vitae