About the Center


The Chesley Center on Aging is dedicated to enhancing the process and prospects of aging for individuals and the Community through integrated education, research and service. For the purposes of these commitments Community includes a global perspective but maintains a particular focus upon the communities of South Central Minnesota and Northern Iowa.

Vision Statement for the Chesley Center on Aging

The Chesley Center on Aging is committed to bridging University resources and aging-related needs in the Community. This commitment will be engaged through matching Community needs with existing University expertise and resources, identifying and developing existing Community expertise and resources that can be shared with others, and by translating current research into ideas and elements of practice that can be implemented within the Community.

The Chesley Center on Aging is committed to supporting excellence within the Aging Studies Program at Minnesota State University, particularly as it pertains to the development of applied research and education.

The Chesley Center on Aging is committed to understanding the specific aspects of aging in rural settings, and developing the means of supporting them through concerted action with coordinated University and Community resources.

The Chesley Center on Aging is committed to establishing an accessible Community presence in a consistent, coordinated manner that enhances interaction with Community partners and residents.