
Bridging University resources and aging-related needs in the Community is the central focus of the Chesley Center on Aging. Our primary means of accomplishing this is through developing and providing training opportunities for geriatric professionals and interested community members.

Community Resources


Minnesota-Specific Sites

Organizations and Associations

Caregiver Support

Computer Training for Older Adults

Consumer Protection

Disease and Illness

Elder Law

Senior Law is a website where senior citizens, their families, attorneys, social workers, and financial planners can access information about elder law, Medicare, Medicaid, estate planning, trusts and the rights of the elderly and disabled.

Exercise, Fitness and Nutrition


Grandparents Caring for Grandchildren

  • Informal and Formal Kinship Care. This report presents the results of work pursued by analysts at two separate research institutions in a collaboration designed to describe the population of American children living in kinship care arrangements.


  • Alcohol and Aging This alcohol alert reviews recent research on the extent of alcohol consumption and associated problems among the elderly.
  • The Alzheimer Pagesponsored by the Washington University Alzheimer's Research Center.
  • Chronic and Disabling Conditions data profiles published during the year 2000 by the National Academy on an Aging Society. The series includes: Chronic Conditions, Hearing Loss, Heart Disease, At Risk and Arthritis.
  • Health Finder well organized, consumer-focused health and nutrition information.
  • Healthtouch - Find information about more than 10,000 prescription and over-the-counter medications..
  • The Nun Study home page. The nun study is a longitudinal study of aging and Alzheimer's disease funded by the National Institute on Aging. Participants were members of the School Sisters of Norte Dame religious congregation with the Mankato congregation involved in this study.

Housing, Living Arrangements

AARP Research – Independent Living "Information, research results and policy insights about: housing options, home modification, reverse mortgages, public and personal transportation services, older driver issues and developments, assistive devices for life's challenges, and adult children's perceptions of parents' needs."

Long-Term Care


Policy Advocacy and Information

Retirement and Older Americans, The Urban Institute. A discussion briefing prepared for the Urban Institute Board of Trustees meeting, May 20, 1998. Other topics on the Urban Institute website include Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid and other entitlement programs, health care financing and access, and "The New Federalism," the devolution of responsibility for social programs from the federal government to the states.


APA Division 20, Adult Development and Aging, American Psychological Association's Division 20. This division is dedicated to studying the psychology of adult development and aging.


Statistics and Data for Aging Research

Careers in Aging

AGHE-Careers in Aging