Talent Grant Application

Permanent Home Address

Permanent Home Address

Current Address (if different)

Current Address (if different)

Step to Application

I intend to be a:

Application Finalization

Please Attach:

Please list in chronological order (beginning with the most recent) any theatre and/or speech activities, dance training and expertise, musical expertise and other special skills and interests. Applications should be received by us at least two weeks before the scheduled audition. Auditions are usually held the last weekend of February and on the Thursday before classes start in the fall. Contact us for exact dates.

Please Attach:

Please list in chronological order (beginning with the most recent) any theatre and/or speech activities, dance training and expertise, musical expertise and other special skills and interests. Applications should be received by us at least two weeks before the scheduled audition. Auditions are usually held the last weekend of February and on the Thursday before classes start in the fall. Contact us for exact dates.

I hereby apply for an audition/interview for scholarship/talent grant consideration: