International Relations
College of Humanities and Social Sciences | Academic Programs
College of Humanities and Social Sciences | Academic Programs
The International Relations degree offers students the opportunity to study international politics, history, societies, and cultures. It is an interdisciplinary program focused on the way countries and governments function around the world, interact with each other on the global stage, and how those interactions affect other countries. International Relations graduates can pursue careers in international organizations such as the United Nations, non-profits (NGOs), private and public sector positions with global exposure, and many will find that it is a good base for further graduate study.
Our faculty and professional staff are your partners in achieving your academic goals! Learn how we serve students regarding academic policies and procedures, and any other academic concerns.
Attending a University is more than time spent in a classroom. Explore the real-world experiences that make being an International Relations student extraordinary.
Begin with the end in mind! Explore the career opportunities waiting for you at the conclusion of your University journey.
This interdisciplinary degree is designed to prepare students for employment in international organizations, governmental and charitable agencies in the international arena, and business and financial institutions with over seas interests, or to provide a broad liberal arts education.
The International Relations minor is designed to supplement students understanding of the interaction between countries and governments.
Learn more about the International Relations faculty and staff.
Contact International Relations with questions or for more information.