Fall 2024 Student Speaker Tryouts

Of the 20 students nominated for Fall 2024 Commencement Speaker, we received 10 video submissions. One student will be selected to represent the College of Humanities & Social Sciences this fall. Please review each submission below. Once you have reviewed all entries, use the online voting form to rank your top four submissions in order of preference. This will help us determine our commencement speakers.

The deadline for voting is Monday, October 21. 

Jack Baumbach, Social Studies Education and History

*Note: This speech is over the time limit and if selected would be abreviated to fit the 3-5 mintue requirement. Please judge it based on content/intent.

Tatyana Beerbower,  Dance

Deyton Drost, Gender and Women's Studies

Leah Hed, Psychology

Jadelyn Jackson, Public Relations

Kylie Johnson, Earth Science

Sofia Melendez, Criminal Justice & Corrections

Jenna Moseng, Psychology

Tahlia Rogers, Psychology

Angelina Ventimiglia, Communications & Media (and Sports Management)

View as YouTube playlist.

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