Communication and Media Student Testimonials

Read what students have to say about our Communication and Media program. 

"Everyone I met has worked with me to plan out and reach my goals."

Kadie Fales

"All of the people that I have met have really worked with me to plan-out and reach my goals. I have never been told by a faculty member that I wouldn’t be able to do things such as declare a double major or add on another minor after already declaring my majors. Instead, they worked with me to find a way to fit so many different things into my schedule."

"vast array of learning experiences, opportunities, and a networking platform"

Maria Ly posing with her arms resting on a half wall

"Although I do not know the exact job title that I would like, I know that in my career I want to do something in mass media. Whether that involves writing, news, advertising, digital multimedia, film making, photography, etc. I want a career that fulfills my passion of being a storyteller.

Minnesota State University, Mankato has given me a vast array of learning experiences, opportunities, and a networking platform. I’ve learned a lot from the classes I’ve enrolled within the Mass Communication, and also experiences that helped me figure out my interests and paths I want to take in my future. On campus, I’ve gotten the opportunity to work with the MSU Reporter as I get ready to transition from a writer to an editor the next academic year. Through the MSU Reporter, I’ve gained experiences and opportunities that will help me in my future career goals as a journalist. They have also given me a networking platform, as I connect with many staff and faculty, students, businesses, community members, etc. for my job at the campus newspaper. I’ve also connected and learned a lot from many RSO’s like ASIA and SAGE as well as centers like the LGBT Center and Women’s Center. These organizations have made me grow as a person and helped me connect with a community that I feel loved and a part of. I feel after graduating, I will leave with many close friends, a community that I know has my back, and a breadth of experience to take with me to the real-world as I continue in my venture as a mass media professional."

"Through minoring in health communication, I can help people in the best way I know how—with my writing skills."

Tiana Tran posing in front of trees

"I've always known I wanted to help people, just like I’ve always considered writing as one of my biggest strengths. That's why I chose to major in Technical Communication. By combining the two, I naturally found myself minoring in Health Communication as well.

The biggest takeaways I took from my coursework are identifying my audience and putting myself into their perspective. There are so many ways health information can be written, interpreted, and understood. Health Communication helps me identify these aspects and present them to my audience: simply, clearly, and effectively. Through minoring in health communication, I can help people in the best way I know how–with my writing skills."

"Working with patients, I need to be able to communicate effectively."

Audrey Hopwood posing in front of trees

"I’m a double major in Biomedical Science and Medical Laboratory Science with a Health Communication Minor. I want to eventually get into Dental school. The reason I chose Health Communication as a minor is because it works nicely with my major. I feel like I have seen time and time again a healthcare provider will tell a patient something but the patient just nods and says 'okay,' not fully understanding what is going on. Working with patients, I need to be able to communicate effectively. I can help with explaining things better to patients because I know background on health literacy, as well as be able to help patients of color to not get discriminated against because of poor health communication amongst other healthcare providers. As a dentist I will be able to actively use these skills throughout my day."

"the professors really care about their students"

McKenna Fury posing in front of a wooden fence

"The Mass Communication program is special because the professors really care about their students and everyone is passionate about what they teach. The professors always engage with students inside and outside of the classroom. Having professors like this keep me motivated and I look forward to classes and new experiences within the major. The department is so versatile and I like that I learn something new in my classes every day. I am learning so many useful skills and I have new opportunities that will help me succeed in my future because of this department.”