The Criminal Justice program is for students who want serve in one of the governmental or social service organizations tasked with enforcing laws and serving communities affected by crime. The program has a flexible major that prepares students to understand crime, criminal justice processes, and crime prevention in multicultural and diverse communities


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Criminal Justice ClubThe Criminal Justice Club is a social organization for any and all students interested in a future career in the criminal justice field.


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Criminal Justice, Bachelor of Science

The Criminal Justice degree is designed for individuals seeking a professional career in criminal justice and allows students to choose a specific focus in criminal justice, corrections, and law enforcement through a minor concentration and tailing the major courses to meet individual interests.

Criminal Justice Minor

The criminal justice minor allows students to pursue their interest in a variety of aspects of the criminal justice system.

Criminal Justice, Master of Science

The Criminal Justice graduate program equips students with evidence-based practices and practical skills to advance their careers, promote social justice, restorative justice, and public policy, and be change agents in the diverse communities they will serve.

Criminal Justice Learning Community

Connect socially and academically with other students that share interest in Criminal Justice.

Faculty and Staff

Learn more about the Criminal Justice faculty and staff.

Contact Criminal Justice

Contact Criminal Justice with questions or for more information.