Dr. Atrayee Gosh Roy Publications

 Refereed Journal Articles

  • Ghosh Roy, Atrayee. 2019. “Economic Growth, Gender Equality and the Demographic Transition in India,” International Research Journal of Applied Finance, 10(1), 55-68.
  • Ghosh Roy, Atrayee. 2018. “Infrastructure Investment and the Indian Economy,” Bulletin of Applied Economics, 5(1), 29-38.
  • Ghosh Roy, Atrayee. 2017. “Economic Globalization and Gender Equality: A Case Study of India,” Journal of Advances in Economics and Finance, 2(2), 117-126.
  • Ghosh Roy, Atrayee. 2012. “Revisiting the Relationship between Economic Growth and Government Size,” Economics Research International. Vol. 2012, Article ID 383812, doi:10.1155/2012/383812.
  • Ghosh Roy, Atrayee. 2012. “U.S. Foreign Indebtedness, Monetary Policy, and Economic Growth,” International Journal of Economic Perspectives. 6(2), 188-196.
  • Ghosh Roy, Atrayee, and Hendrik Van den Berg. 2009. “How Important Is Domestic Saving for U.S. Economic Growth? A Time-Series Analysis,” International Journal of Economics, 3, 77-93.
  • Ghosh Roy, Atrayee, and Hendrik Van den Berg. 2009. “Budget deficits and U.S. economic growth,” Economics Bulletin, 29, 3015-3030.
  • Ghosh Roy, Atrayee. 2009. “Evidence on Economic Growth and Government Size,” Applied Economics, 41, 607-614.
  • Ghosh Roy, Atrayee, John E. Anderson, and James R. Schmidt. 2006. “Housing Tax Deductions and Single-Family Housing Demand,” International Journal of Applied Economics, 3, 2, 48-64.
  • Ghosh Roy, Atrayee, and Hendrik Van den Berg. 2006. “Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth: A Time-Series Analysis,” Global Economy Journal, 6, 1-19.
  • Anderson, John E., Atrayee Ghosh Roy, and Paul A. Shoemaker. 2003. “Confidence Intervals for the Suits Index,” National Tax Journal, LV1, 1, 81-90.
  • Anderson, John E., and Atrayee Ghosh Roy. 2001. “Eliminating Housing Tax Preferences: A Distributional Analysis,” Journal of Housing Economics, 10, 41-58.
  • Ghosh Roy, Atrayee, and Hendrik Van den Berg. 2000. “Are Petroleum Exports an Engine for Growth?: Time-Series Evidence for Five Oil Exporters,” Journal of Energy and Development, 26, 55-69.
  • Ghosh Roy, Atrayee, and Hendrik Van den Berg. 1996. “Mexico’s Futile Attempt to Defy Purchasing Power Parity,” Applied Economics Letters, 3, 395-399.

Book Chapters

  • Ghosh Roy, Atrayee. 2017. “Analyzing the Growth Effect of Transportation Investment,” in Progress in Economics Research, Vol 37, Albert Tavidze, Ed., Hauppauge, New York: Nova.
  • Ghosh Roy, Atrayee. 2014. “Is It Possible to Restore Economic Growth without a Housing Boom, in Tara Abrahams (Ed.) Economic Growth in the 21st Century: New Research, Hauppauge, New York: Nova.

Book Reviews Published in Refereed Journals:

  • Ghosh Roy, Atrayee. 2007. Review of Martin Wolf’s book, titled “Why Globalization Works,” Yale University Press, New Haven and London, published in the Indian Journal of Economics & Business, 6, 1, 145-146.
  • Ghosh Roy, Atrayee. 2004. Review of C. Fred Bergsten and C. Randall’s book titled “Global Economic Leadership and the Group of Seven”: Institute for International Economics, published in the Indian Journal of Economics & Business, 3, 1, 211-213.
  • Ghosh Roy, Atrayee. 2007. Review of Martin Wolf’s book, titled “Why Globalization Works,” Yale University Press, New Haven and London, published in the Indian Journal of Economics & Business, 6, 1, 145-146.
  • Ghosh Roy, Atrayee. 2004. Review of C. Fred Bergsten and C. Randall’s book titled “Global Economic Leadership and the Group of Seven”: Institute for International Economics, published in the Indian Journal of Economics & Business, 3, 1, 211-213.