Dr. Russell Fricano Named URSI Director
Dr. Russell Fricano
Dr. Russell Fricano was recently named Director of the Urban and Regional Studies In-stitute. He holds a Ph.D. in Planning from the University of Southern California and a Masters of City and Regional Planning from the University of Texas at Arlington. Dr. Fricano also served 20 years as a planner with Los Angeles County Department of Region-al Planning with experience in general plan development, community planning, zoning administration, and environmental review.
This year also marks Dr. Fricano’s 12th year as urban planning professor. Starting at Ala-bama A&M University in 2009, he joined URSI in 2013. His current teaching responsibili-ties include Long Range and Strategic Planning, Urban Analysis, Community Leadership, Urban Transportation, Urban Design and Urban Program Evalua-tion. Dr. Fricano also authors peer-reviewed publications and makes conference presentations in the fields of environmental planning and policy, sustainable development, and community food systems. A native of Buffalo, New York, Dr. Fricano is grateful that his studies and career have taken him to different parts of the country, offering him a broad perspective of planning issues. He especially enjoys Minnesota as a state that is proactive in planning and local and regional governance. Dr. Fricano feels that URSI’s strengths are primarily in applied learning, community service and dedicated alumni. He would like to see the Urban Planning and Public Administration and Community Management Programs continue to grow and adapt to changing needs in the professional and academic markets.