EARTH Systems Laboratory
College of Humanities and Social Sciences|College Programs, Organizations and Projects
College of Humanities and Social Sciences|College Programs, Organizations and Projects
An interdisciplinary lab that brings together Earth Science, Geography, and Anthropology to educate and prepare Minnesota State University, Mankato students for future careers in academia, private business, or in government agencies. Students are immersed in scientific and applied research to obtain hands-on, experiential learning to better understand natural processes in the world around us and the impact these natural processes have on human beings through both modern and ancient timescales. We conduct research focused on archeology, soils, climate/paleoclimate and climatic change, erosional-earth surface processes, geomorphology, natural resources, natural hazards, and human-environment interactions.
View current research taking place in the EARTH Systems Lab.
View the academic programs associated with the lab.
The EARTH Systems Lab is an interdisciplinary partnership between faculty in Earth Science, Archeology, and Physical Geography that serves as a hub for educating students for the future through innovative and collaborative scientific research with regional, national, and global impacts.
Equipment and facilities of the EARTH Systems Lab provide analytical capabilities, technical expertise, and training in Geography, Earth Science, Anthropology, and Archeology to faculty and students for research and learning.
Learn more about the lab directors and staff.
Learn more about current projects and research conducted by students and faculty in the EARTH Systems Lab.
Learn more about the variety of career paths available to EARTH Systems Lab students after they graduate from one of our academic programs.
Learn more about the academic programs students can major in and work within the EARTH Systems Lab.
The EARTH Systems Lab provides student-focused experiential learning opportunities that integrate scientific inquiry in the classroom, extra-curricular research, and state-of-the-science methodologies for addressing both theoretical and applied scientific questions.
Contact EARTH Systems Research Laboratory with questions or for more information.