Step 2: Prepare Your Cover Letter & Resume

A majority of internships require a resume and cover letter. These documents must be strong and well laid out to even be considered. The Career Development Center offers many resources to help prepare resumes and cover letters. Their Job Search Handbook is particularly helpful for helping prepare these documents (plus there are examples!).  Here are some additional resources for students:

  • ResumeBuild, Indeed Resume Builder and can be used to craft resumes but there are many other resume builders out there. Students should find the one that suits them best.
  • Cover Letter Builder is a resource to help understand what a cover letter should look like. Students should write their own, original letters but this can be used to get students started.
  • Community Engagement (volunteering) can help build connections, enhance a student’s relationship with the community and provide a new outlook to someone else’s life all while helping advance one’s own career.