Our program is devoted to the development of concepts, attitudes and skills in the visual arts within a broad university curriculum of liberal arts orientation. There are four objectives: professional training of artists and scholars in chosen areas of specialization, preparation of art educators, elective study for students in all areas of the university, and service to the local communities as a source of cultural enrichment. We are accredited by the National Association of Schools of Art and Design.

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Potential Career Opportunities

Join the dynamic graphic design industry as a designer, producer, account executive, or archivist. Maintain a studio, curate at a museum or gallery, or create commissioned art pieces with your studio art degree. Share your artistic vision by exhibiting your work, teaching future generations, or by consulting with news and pop culture outlets.

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University Art Galleries

Minnesota State Mankato has two art galleries featuring rotating works by students, faculty, and professional artists.

Student Resources

Links to various student resources for Art & Design students.

Art & Design Faculty & Staff

Faculty and staff contact information for the Department of Art & Design.